Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Missing Burrito and a Beautiful Yellow Treasury

I woke up this morning and went out back to find the Albino Burrito was gone! I searched all over the back yard and he wasn't anywhere. So I got the boys and we searched out front. No sign of him. Then we drove and walked around the neighborhood looking for him and still couldn't find him. A few hours later he was out front chomping on the rosemary we planted in our herb garden. I've got to go to Home Depot later and get some bricks to keep him from going under the gate. We were using big rocks and it worked but my mom kept moving them when she would clean up the yard. Hopefully she won't move the bricks!
My wax melts were in this treasury. I love the colors in it!!


Pam said...

He is *so* cute!!!!!

Newfangled said...

Awwww such a cute bunny! I am so glad you found him.

MagicMarkingsArt said...

we used to have a pet rabbit who stayed in our extra bathroom ~ little bunny foo foo, she was also a dwarf rabbit, and very sweet.

Jeanette said...

Very cute bunny! And congrats on the treasury!